Title:Slow recovery Characters: Optimus Prime, Sideswipe Rating: Teen T-Series: Bayverse Notes:Tag to DoTM Prompt #1 one character is out of action. Your protagonist has to write a letter to the out-of-action’s character closest friend/lover
Title: Novice Characters: Jazz, Blaster Rating: K Fandom: Transformers Generation 1 Summary: Some things can be picked up by observing, others by practicing. Prompt: Jazz/Blaster - Offbeat
Title: Shock and Awe Characters: First Aid, Sideswipe Rating: K Series: Generation 1 Summary: Nobody remembered to warn the recently awakened Autobots about the Independence Day celebration. Prompt # 1 Fireworks
Title: Catalyst T-Verse: Generation 1 Rating: Teen Characters: Megatron, Shockwave Summary: When an offer to help comes, Megatron has to meet the mech in person - even if it is a trap. Prompt: Shockwave/Megatron - Two Lone gunmen
Title: Final Farewell Rating: K+ Characters: Arcee Universe: Bayverse Summary: Earth is the meeting point for all surviving Autobots Prompt: Jazz/Arcee - Small Saboteurs
Title: Ascertain Characters: Judy Witwicky Series: Bayverse Rating: K+ Summary: The Autobots left insecapable evidence of their presence - if only those finding it knew the cause Prompt:#6 April 21st 2014 Photo.../Image
Title: Family Time Rating: K T-Universe: Bayverse Characters: Annabelle Lennox, Sarah Lennox, William Lennox Summary: To grow as a family, mans spending time together as a family Prompt #1 One Good Turn Deserves Another
Title: Not (at all) Cocky Characters: Bumblebee Series: TF-Prime: Darkness Rising Rating: K+ Summary: Being overconfident will lead to your doom - knowing your limitations might keep you safe. Prompt #1 Rewrite a canon (critical) scene and exchange one important character for another one - what happens?
TITLE: Rushed plans RATING: K SERIES: Generation 1 CHARACTERS: Skywarp SUMMARY: Rushing to fill a previously unseen lack can lead to interesting partnerships PROMPT: #1 Scenario: preparing to entertain a large number of people
TITLE: Loss and Found CHARACTER: Streetwise, Sideswipe, SERIES: Any (Bayverse) RATING: K+ SUMMARY: What is that thing? 23 November 2013 PROMPT #4 Discovery of an ancient code/artifact/other.